The Association recognizes three kinds of members:

  1. Regular Members. A regular member is any person who has paid regular annual dues or the regular annual conference registration fee. Annual regular membership extends from the first day of the annual conference through the day before the start of the following annual conference. Regular members may vote in Association elections and hold elective office.
  2. Student Members. A student member is any college student who has paid the annual conference student registration fee. Student members may participate in the activities of the Association, but they may neither vote in Association elections nor hold elective office.
  3. A fellow is one who has been honored with this status in accordance with the Association’s By-Laws.

If you attended the most recent Conference, your SECRA membership dues were included in your Conference fee.  At least one author must be a SECRA member to publish in the Journal.  If you did not attend the SECRA Conference, you may join SECRA here.

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